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Social Mobility

FouGen Team

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

For the sake of this article and the topic overall, we are focusing on upward mobility in employment. .

Social Mobility! It is a term which is frequently thrown about by politicians, but do we really know what it means? And is it a term which is simply paid lip service or is there a real opportunity for your company to implement recruitment strategies which boost social mobility?

Social Mobility: The Definition:

The ability of individuals, families or groups to move up or down the social ladder, such as moving from low income to middle class. Social Mobility relates to wealth, social standing or education.”

For the sake of this article and the topic overall, we are focusing on upward mobility in employment.

When FouGen attended an APPG meeting on children living in poverty or on low incomes, we were not surprised to learn that this had a direct effect on how many of these people accessed higher education or high paid professional jobs. So is there a way to readdress that balance and would it have any benefits for your business?

The results are already in and have been fairly well documented. Companies have historically recruited from specific university channels, but in doing so they miss out on talented and relevant candidates who have not followed traditional academic paths due to a number of financial or domestic limitations.

However with large companies making changes to readdress the balance - is it about time to join them?

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